Different torque spanner working mechanism


Click the tool (possibly over-tightening)

 When the preset torque value is reached, the operator will hear a click, feel a pulse, and the tool will move about 3°. Reset when releasing hand pressure. You can then resume work immediately.

These tools usually depend on the length, and the position of the hand on the tool will change the resulting torque. Further application of force after 3° movement will cause the applied torque to increase above the desired preset limit.


Breaking tools (less likely to be over-tightened)

When the preset torque value is reached, these tools will break at specific points in the tool length — usually at pivot points near the tool head. In most cases, the movement is about 20°. The tool automatically resets by allowing the handle to return to its online position. These tools depend on the length — the torque generated by changing the position of the hand on the tool. Continuing to apply force after the tool moves 20° will increase the torque applied above the preset limit, but this is less likely to occur as the tool moves at a greater Angle.


Sliding tool (no over-tightening possible)

When a preset torque value is reached, a mechanism in the tool causes the application of torque to stop and the tool slides freely for a short time until reset occurs. Even if the force is applied repeatedly, the preset torque value will not be exceeded, so the fastener will not be over-tightened. These tools are independent of length.

Post time: Oct-19-2021
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